Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! Stats Page

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Best Of NPR DB ID: 1041
I'm the man with an aim that can be used for any number of comic puns. I'm adapta-Bill
Chosen: Adam Felber
Correct: Adam Felber
Best of Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! with a look back at some favorite Not My Job interviews and previously un-aired material from the past year, part two

Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me! taped two shows while in Seattle, Washington on November 30th and December 1st. The Bluff the Listener, Not My Job and App Store Game segments included on this Best Of show comes from the show that taped on December 1st.

Normally, the chosen bluff and the correct bluff from Bluff the Listener segments re-aired on Best Of shows do not get noted in the Stats Page database. In this case, the Bluff the Listener segment was not aired as part of a regular Wait Wait show, I have noted the chosen and correct bluff information for this show.

Due to technical difficulties with the phone system at the start of the December 1st taping, audience members were selected as the listener contestants for the Who's Bill This Time?, Bluff the Listener and Listener Limerick Challenge segments.