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Show Details: May 2013


NPR DB ID: 797
Chosen: Mo Rocca
Correct: Mo Rocca
Who's Carl This Time?, Bluff the Listener about a simple fix for an old problem, Not My Job about dull and boring things at "A Boring Conference" held in London, Listener Limerick Challenges, Panelist Predictions: what will the first postcard from a space tourist say?

This show was taped at NYU's Skirball Center for the Performing Arts for a live cinecast to many cinemas around the United States. The same show was also shown at additional cinemas on May 7th and in Canada on May 11th.

I attended the live taping at Skirball Center, sitting at the end of row F with a center view of the main show's setup.


NPR DB ID: 798
Legendary Anchorman
Guest: Bill Kurtis
Chosen: Charlie Pierce
Correct: Brian Babylon
Who's Bill This Time?, Bluff the Listener about a photo of Tom Selleck, Not My Job about things that are un-Googleable, Listener Limerick Challenge, Panelist Predictions: what will the cicadas be surprised to see in 17 years?

Peter let Eric Schmidt use Google search to find out answers to his second and third Not My Job questions. No one should let Peter use the phrase "gangster banging" again.


NPR DB ID: 799
Legendary Anchorman
Guest: Bill Kurtis
Chosen: Tom Bodett
Who's Bill This Time?, Bluff the Listener about people behaving badly, Not My Job about Mike, a chicken from the 1940s who lost its head, Listener Limerick Challenge, Panelist Predictions: what will failed-spy Ryan Fogle do next?

During the Lightning Fill-in-the-Blank round, Bobcat answered a question with "relocation", in which the official answer was "witness protection". Bobcat was not given a point for it until the audience groaned and Bill Kurtis reconsidered and give Bobcat the point. Later in the round, Tom answered a question about making permitting women to "bare their breasts" in public with "breast feeding". Since the latter requires the former, Tom did get the point for his answer.


NPR DB ID: 800
Legendary Anchorman
Guest: Bill Kurtis
Chosen: Adam Felber
Correct: Adam Felber
Who's Bill This Time?, Bluff the Listener about someone turning trash into a must-have item, Not My Job about men's-only clubs, Listener Limerick Challenge, Panelist Predictions: how will Apple repair their image?

Another instance in which the Bagnoli surname was used in Mo's bluff. Peter pronounced the name of the "Kokomo" Indiana Indian tribe differently than Mo Rocca used in his bluff as "KOH-koh-mo", instead of "Kuh-koh-MO". Mo was extremely quick to correct Peter.

The audience tried to help out Michele with the second Not My Job question by yelling out "C", which Michele chose. Both the audience and Michele were wrong, the correct answer was "B".

During the second panel round, Mo asked, kind of forcibly, "Well, how the heck does it work?" when discussing about 3D pizza printers. This lead to a nice bit of laughter from Adam. Mo also made a really good/bad pun by saying "it's a place for you can Czech (check) each other out", as the city of Prague is in the Czech Republic.

The listener contestant went into another voice when completing the first Listener Limerick. Hilarity ensued.

When Bill Kurtis was about to say how many questions Adam needs to answer correctly to win, Mo said "Oh God, please lose...". Adam laughed and said something like "That's so wrong(?)" After answering six correct, Adam said that he was rooting for Mo, then Faith.